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Sebastian Preisner 3 years ago
parent f388863fee
commit b2382423c8

@ -1367,18 +1367,20 @@ URL:},
author = {{Bluetooth SIG, Inc.}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
month = dec,
title = {{B}luetooth {C}ore {S}pecification 4.2},
year = {2014},
access = {2021-12-01},
file = {:files/Core_v4.2.pdf:PDF},
groups = {Verwendet},
keywords = {Bluetooth, Core Specification},
timestamp = {2021-12-09},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-12-09},
author = {{Bluetooth SIG, Inc.}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
month = dec,
title = {{B}luetooth {C}ore {S}pecification 4.2},
year = {2014},
access = {2021-12-01},
file = {:files/Core_v4.2.pdf:PDF},
groups = {Verwendet},
keywords = {Bluetooth, Core Specification},
priority = {prio1},
qualityassured = {qualityAssured},
timestamp = {2021-12-09},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-12-09},
@ -1427,14 +1429,15 @@ URL:},
author = {Bluetooth {SIG}, Inc},
title = {{I}nfografik - {B}luetooth {L}ocation {S}ervices},
year = {2019},
access = {2021-12-15},
file = {:files/1907_Location_Services_Infographic_FINAL-compressed-1.pdf:PDF},
groups = {Verwendet},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-12-15},
author = {Bluetooth {SIG}, Inc},
title = {{I}nfografik - {B}luetooth {L}ocation {S}ervices},
year = {2019},
access = {2021-12-15},
file = {:files/1907_Location_Services_Infographic_FINAL-compressed-1.pdf:PDF},
groups = {Verwendet},
qualityassured = {qualityAssured},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-12-15},
@ -1459,6 +1462,7 @@ URL:},
year = {2021},
comment = {Bluetooth Low Energy shares some similarities with Classic Bluetooth. Both use the 2.4GHz spectrum. Basic Rate (BR) and BLE both use GFSK modulation at 1Mbps, but their modulation index is different. Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) uses a completely different modulation than GFSK. Classic Bluetooth has 79 channels compared to LEs 40 channels. The channels are also spaced differently. Both of these differences make LE and Classic different and incompatible, so they cant communicate. Dual Mode Radios, like the Texas Instrument's CC256x or Corvo, support LE and Classic by switching their modulation parameters and the channels on which theyre running.},
file = {:files/ble-advertising-primer.html:URL},
groups = {Verwendet},
keywords = {Bluetooth, Advertising},
qualityassured = {qualityAssured},
url = {},
@ -1486,6 +1490,29 @@ URL:},
url = {},
author = {Seybold},
publisher = {John Wiley & Sons},
title = {{I}ntroduction to {RF} {P}ropagation},
year = {2005},
isbn = {0471655961},
month = sep,
comment = {},
ean = {9780471655961},
groups = {Verwendet},
pagetotal = {348},
priority = {prio1},
qualityassured = {qualityAssured},
title = {{A}ndroid {B}eacon {L}ibrary},
year = {2021},
groups = {Verwendet},
url = {},
urldate = {2021-12-21},
@Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}
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