# Configuration for babeld. See the man page babeld(8) for # details on the configuration format. # Works on Linux > 3.11 ipv6-subtrees true # You must provide at least one interface for babeld to operate on. {% if 'fastd' in group_names %} {% for peer in groups['uplink'] %} interface bb{{ hostvars[peer]['wireguard_bb_name'] }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if 'uplink' in group_names %} {% for peer in groups['fastd'] %} interface bb{{ hostvars[peer]['wireguard_bb_name'] }} {% endfor %} {% for peer in groups['uplink'] | difference([inventory_hostname]) %} interface bb{{ hostvars[peer]['wireguard_bb_name'] }} {% endfor %} {% for peer in wireguard_bb_peers|default([]) %} interface bb{{ peer.name }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} # Global options you might want to set. There are many more, see the man page. #debug 1 local-port 33123 #diversity true random-id true default type tunnel rtt-min 1 rtt-max 25 max-rtt-penalty 128 smoothing-half-life 30 export-table 42 import-table 42 # Filtering rules. {% if 'mullvad_uplink' in group_names %} redistribute if mullvad metric 256 {% endif %} {% if 'ffrl_uplink' in group_names %} {% for peer in ffrl_peers %} redistribute if {{ peer.name }} metric 128 {% endfor %} {% endif %} # Only redistribute addresses from a given prefix, to avoid redistributing # all local addresses redistribute ip allow redistribute ip 2a01:198:70a:ff::0/64 allow redistribute ip 2001:470:cd45:ff00::/56 allow redistribute ip 2a03:2260:1016::/48 allow redistribute ip fd62:44e1:da::/48 allow redistribute local deny {% if 'fastd' in group_names and preferred_uplink is defined %} {% for peer in groups['uplink'] %} {% if not hostvars[peer]['wireguard_bb_name'] == preferred_uplink %} in if bb{{ hostvars[peer]['wireguard_bb_name'] }} metric 64 {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}