#!/bin/sh # -*- sh -*- : << =cut =head1 NAME wg_peers_ - Plugin to monitor wg peers =head1 CONFIGURATION Set user and group to have access [wg_peers_*] user root group root =head1 USAGE Link this plugin to /etc/munin/plugins/ After creating the links, restart munin-node. Don't forget to configure the plugin! =head1 AUTHORS Niklas Yann Wettengel <niyawe@niyawe.de> =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=manual =cut . "$MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh" myname=$(basename "$0" | sed 's/^wg_peers_//g') if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title wg${myname} peers" echo "graph_info This graph shows the wg peers on this supernode" echo "graph_args -l 0" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_vlabel peers count" echo "graph_category wireguard" echo "peers.label peers" echo "peers.draw AREA" exit 0 fi echo "peers.value $(wg show wg${myname} peers | wc -l)"