forked from WBH/Mathe-Formelsammlung
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
LaTeX4EI Template Date: 2016-01-06
You are allowed to create and share documents created
with this template under the following conditions:
* visible reference to
you have to place a "based on template from" or similar in your documents.
* no commercial use:
you are not allowed to sell any part of this template or documents created with this template.
* limited modification:
you are allowed to modify the template for personal use.
you are NOT allowed to distribute modified versions of this template on your own.
Please push back your modifications to us so that we have the chance to integrate it.
If you want to publish your latex code you are allowed to publish the source code
of this template as well but you have to make sure that a copy of this license is included.
© 2011-2016, LaTeX4EI
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# LaTeX4EI Template
Write beautiful latex cheat sheets with minimal effort.
## How to use
put `latex4ei` folder in `./template-files/` into the same folder as
your latex file. Specify \documentclass{latex4ei/latex4ei_sheet} and compile your code.
See the documentation for further details.
## Permanent installation
Copy the `latex4ei` folder into your tex-distribution directory
### Windows
Copy files to `C:\texlive\XXXX\texmf-dist\tex\latex\latex4ei`
### Linux
sudo ln -s ./pkg /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latex4ei
sudo mktexlsr
### Mac OS X
ln -s ./pkg /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/latex4ei
If you want to share your documents please refer to the license.txt
Read the changelog.txt and known_bugs.txt and check []( for updates.
© 2011-2016, LaTeX4EI
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
% Technische Formelsammlung by Emu
% Dokumenteinstellungen
% Pakete laden
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Deutsche Sprache und Silbentrennung
\usepackage{multicol} % ermöglicht Seitenspalten
\usepackage{booktabs} % bessere Tabellenlinien
\usepackage{enumitem} % bessere Listen
\usepackage{graphicx} % Zum Bilder einfügen benötigt
\usepackage{pbox} %Intelligent parbox: \pbox{maximum width}{blabalbalb \\ blabal}
\usepackage{../template-files/latex4ei/scientific} % Eigenes Paket
% Dokumentbeschreibung
% ======================================================================
\author{LaTeX4EI Package}
% Layout
% ======================================================================
% 15cm Breite(148mm), Höhe (210), Referenzpunkt 2,54cm
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-1.0cm} %Rand zur Buchmitte von links
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{-1.6cm} %Rand zur Buchmitte von links
\setlength{\textwidth}{12.2cm} %Rand nach außen
% Dokumentbeginn
% Titel
% -------------------------------------------
% | scientific.sty |
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% =============================================================================================================================
Das Paket \texttt{scientific.sty} erweitert den Funktionsumfang der Mathematikumgebung in \LaTeX.
Es läd häufig benötigte Pakete und definiert Abkürzungen und wichtige Funktionen, um den Satz bestehender Befehle wie \verb#\sin, \max, ...# zu vervollständigen.
Ziel ist es mit dem Einbinden durch \verb#\usepackage{scientific}# eine solide und einfache Grundlage für wissenschaftliche Dokumentationen zu bieten ohne
dass der Autor eigene Macros schreiben muss.
Das Paket wurde von \href{}{LaTeX4EI} erstellt. Es besteht keine Garantie auf Kompatibilität und korrekte Funktionsweise.
Das Paket \verb#scientific# läd automatisch wichtige \LaTeX-Pakete. Diese können nach einbinden der \verb#scientific.sty# direkt verwendet werden und müssen nicht explizit geladen werden.\\
\verb#amsmath# & Für erweiterte mahtematische Funktionen\\
\verb#amssymb# & Verschiedene Symbole\\
\verb#esint# & erweiterte Integralsymbole\\
\verb#xcolor# & Ermöglicht farbigen Text und Farbdefinitionen\\
\verb#mhchem# & Darstellung von chemischen Strukturformeln\\
& Beispiel: $\ce{2H3O+}$ \verb#\ce{2H3O+}#\\
\verb#siunitx# & SI gerechte Darstellung von Einheiten\\
& Beispiel: $\SI{3.5}{\meter\per\second}$ \verb#\SI{3.5}{\meter\per\second}#\\
Für eine genaue Beschreibung der einzelnen Pakete und deren zur Verfügung gestellten Funktionen, gibt es auf \href{}{} die entsprechende Dokumentation zu finden.
Das Paket \verb#siunitx# stellt Zahlen und Einheiten in SI gerechter Notation dar.
Die Hauptbefehle sind \verb#\num{<Zahl>}#, \verb#\si{<Einheit>}# und \verb#\SI{<Zahl>}{<Eineit>}#.
\verb#scientific# definiert noch \verb#\unitof{<Symbol>}#
$\num{32334.124e-12}$ & \verb#\num{32334.124e-12}#\\
$\si{\kilogram \meter \per \ampere \second \squared }$ & \verb#\si{\kilogram \meter \per \ampere \second \squared}#\\
$\SI{3.4e2}{\mega \watt \hour}$ & \verb#\SI{3.4e2}{\mega \watt \hour}#\\
$\unitof{n_0} = \si{\per \centi \meter \cubed}$ & \verb#\unitof{n_0} = \si{\per \centi \meter \cubed}#\\
Als Einheiten können alle SI Einheiten wie \verb#\farad, \angstrom, \day#, \ldots\ sowie alle Prefixe \verb#\kilo, \deka, \micro#, usw.
verwendet werden.
\subsection{Neue Befehle}
Warum neue Befehle?
Auch wenn viele Formatierungen recht einfach mit den \LaTeX\ Grundbefehlen erreicht werden können, ist es sinnvoll für jeden Verwendungszweck eines Symbols einen eigene Befehl anzulegen. Viele Zeichen werden mit mehreren Bedeutungen vernküpft.
Außerdem ist es dadurch einfach eine Formatierung für das ganze Dokument an einer zentralen Stelle festzulegen. Nachträgliche Anpassungen müssen nicht an jeder Stelle extra geändert werden, sondern es reicht eine Änderung des eigenen Befehls.
Sollten Sie im Paket \verb#scientific.sty# noch wichtige Funktionen/Formatierungen vermissen, dann lassen Sie es uns wissen.
\subsection{Differentielles Delta „$\mathrm{d}$“}
Das differentielle Delta ist eines der am häufigsten falsch dargestellten Zeichen. Es wird aufrecht geschrieben, mit kleinem Abstand zum vorherigen Term und keinem Abstand zur Variable.
Der einfache \LaTeX\ Code: \verb#\int x^2 dx# erzeugt $\int x^2 dx$.
Das ist vielleicht noch vertretbar aber spätestens bei mehreren Variablen sieht das nicht mehr schön aus.
\verb#\int f(x,y) dx dy# erzeugt $\int f(x,y) dx dy$. Mit dem neuen Befehl \verb#\diff# wird das „d“ immer richtig dargestellt.\\
Differentielles Delta \quad $\diff x$ \quad \verb#\diff x#\\
Beispiel: $\diff^3 x \diff y \diff z \frac{\diff f(x)}{\diff x}$ \qquad \verb#\diff^3 x \diff y \diff z \frac{\diff f(x)}{\diff x}#\\
\subsection{Vektoren und Matrizen}
Vektoren und Matrizen werden häufig in mathematischen Formeln genutzt. Deren Symbole sollten zum besseren Verständis durch spezielle Formatierungen von Symbolen für Variablen, Mengen, usw. abgegrenzt werden.\\
Vektorsymbol & $\vec a$ & \verb#\vec a#\\[0.5em]
Vektor & $\vect{ x_1 \\ x_2 }$ & \verb#\vect{ x_1 \\ x_2 }#\\[2em]
Matrixsymbol & $\ma A$ & \verb#\ma A#\\[0.5em]
Matrix & $\mat{ 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4}$ & \verb#\mat{ 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4}#\\[2em]
Norm & $\norm{\vec a}$ & \verb#\norm{\vec a}#\\
Spur & $\Sp \ma A$ & \verb#\Sp \ma A#\\
Determinante & $\det \ma A$ & \verb#\det \ma A#\\
\subsection{Komplexe Zahlen}
Menge der kompl. Zahlen & $\C$ & \verb#\C#\\
Komplexe Zahl & $\cx z$ & \verb#\cx z#\\
Hyperkomplexe Zahl & $\hx h$ & \verb#\hx h#\\
Imaginäre Einheiten & $\i \j \k$ & \verb#\i \j \k#\\
Komplex Konjugiert & $\cxc z$ & \verb#\cxc z#\\
Realteil & $\Re{a+b\i}$ & \verb#\Re{a+b\i}#\\
Imaginärteil & $\Im{a+b\i}$ & \verb#\Im{a+b\i}#\\
Natürliche Zahlen & $\N$ & \verb#\N#\\
Reele Zahlen & $\R$ & \verb#\R#\\
Komplexe Zahlen & $\C$ & \verb#\C#\\
allg. Körper & $\K$ & \verb#\K#\\
Binäre Zahlen & $\B$ & \verb#\B#\\ \\
Vereinigung/OR & $\cupplus A$ & \verb#\cuplus#\\
Schnittmenge/AND & $\capdot B$ & \verb#\capdot#\\
Komplement & $A^\complement$ & \verb#A^\complement#\\
Das Innere & $\interior{A}$ & \verb#\interior{A}#\\
Landau & $\O$ & \verb#\O#\\
Constant & $\const$ & \verb#\const#\\
Sinus Cardinalis & $\sinc$ & \verb#\sinc#\\
Triangular & $\tri$ & \verb#\tri#\\
Rectangle & $\rect$ & \verb#\rect#\\
Dirac & $\dirac$ & \verb#\dirac#\\
Heaviside & $\heavi$ & \verb#\heavi#\\
Gradient & $\grad$ & \verb#\grad#\\
Divergenz & $\div$ & \verb#\div#\\
Rotation & $\rot$ & \verb#\rot#\\
Laplaceoperator & $\lpo$ & \verb#\lpo#\\
Wellenoperator & $\waveop$ & \verb#\waveop#\\
Wahrscheinlichkeit & $\P$ & \verb#\P#\\
Zufallsvariablen & $\X \Y \Z$ & \verb#\X \Y \Z#\\
Erwartungswert & $\E$ & \verb#\E#\\
Varianz & $\Var$ & \verb#\Var#\\
Covarianz & $\Cov$ & \verb#\Cov#\\
Fourier-trans. & $\FT$ & \verb#\FT#\\
Zeitdiskrete FT & $\DTFT$ & \verb#\DTFT#\\
Laplace-trans. & $\LT$ & \verb#\LT#\\
Z-trans & $\ZT$ & \verb#\ZT#\\
Diskrete FT & $\DFT$ & \verb#\DFT#\\
Römische Zahlen \quad $\rom{iv},\rom{IV}$ \quad \verb#\rom{iv},\rom{IV}#
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
LaTeX4EI Template Date: 2015-04-01
Known Bugs: 1
#1 : Misplaced columnbreak between \section and \begin{sectionbox}
Description: The multicolumn package inserts a column break if a section box
will not fit in the actual column. If a \section heading is placed before
that box it might remain on the previous column. The heading and the box
are split up and placed at different columns.
Work around: Insert a manual column break with "\columnbreak" BEFORE the
\section command.
© 2011-2015, LaTeX4EI
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 349 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% LaTeX4EI Template for Cheat Sheets Version 1.0
% Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
% Contact:
% Encode: UTF-8, tabwidth = 4, newline = LF
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% ======================================================================
% Document Settings
% ======================================================================
% possible options: color/nocolor, english/german, threecolumn
% defaults: color, english
% set document information
\title{LaTeX4EI \\ Cheat Sheet}
\author{LaTeX4EI} % optional, delete if unchanged
\myemail{} % optional, delete if unchanged
\mywebsite{} % optional, delete if unchanged
% ======================================================================
% Begin
% ======================================================================
% Title
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\maketitle % requires ./img/Logo.pdf
% Section
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Text goes here ...
Text goes here ...
% ======================================================================
% End
% ======================================================================
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
% Macros for LaTeX4EI
% Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
% Contact:
% Version: 1.0
% License: TBD
% © 2011-2015, LaTeX4EI
\ProvidesPackage{latex4ei}[2013/05/06 Macros for LaTeX4EI]
% Options
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ======================================================================
% Basic Settings
% ======================================================================
% Identify Compiler
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check compiler. Hint: delete aux files if changing the compiler
% for unicode decalarations
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\setromanfont{Times New Roman}
% some hacking for scientific.sty
\renewcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}
\renewcommand{\B}{\mathbb B}
% pdfLaTeX
\RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} % UTF-8 input
\RequirePackage{latex4ei/latex4ei_unicode} % UTF-8 input of math symbols
\InputIfFileExists{glyphtounicode}{\pdfgentounicode=1}{} % Glyph-to-Unicode Translation (needs PdfTex >=1.4)
%\RequirePackage{textcomp} % get rid of font warnings
%\pdfminorversion=6 % for 3D Objects
%\RequirePackage[osf]{mathpazo} % old style numbering
% Basic LaTeX Settings
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\doublehyphendemerits=10000 % No consecutive line hyphens.
\brokenpenalty=10000 % No broken words across columns/pages.
\widowpenalty=9999 % Almost no widows at bottom of page.
\clubpenalty=9999 % Almost no orphans at top of page.
\interfootnotelinepenalty=9999 % Almost never break footnotes.
% Save \title, \author, \date before \maketitle
% Title
% Institution
% Author
% Date
% Email
% Web page
% Date with git commit number
% set defaults
\title{A LaTeX4EI Document}
% set pdfoptions
pdfcreator={LaTeX4EI template (},
% Language
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage[english, ngerman]{babel}
% Graphics
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{graphicx} % for including images
\graphicspath{ {img/} {gfx/} } % set default search paths for figures
%\RequirePackage{tikz} % tikz graphics
%\RequirePackage{multirow} % multirow text
% ======================================================================
% Colors
% ======================================================================
% ======================================================================
% Macros
% ======================================================================
% Formatting adjustments
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{accents} % accent dots for derivation
% Thicker dots for derivatives
\renewcommand*{\dot}[1]{\accentset{\mbox{\textrm{\large\bfseries .}} }{#1}}
\renewcommand*{\ddot}[1]{\accentset{\mbox{\textrm{\large\bfseries .\hspace{-0.25ex}.}}}{#1}}
\renewcommand*{\dddot}[1]{\accentset{\mbox{$\overset{\textrm{\large\bfseries .}}{\textrm{\large\bfseries.\hspace{-0.25ex}.}}$}}{#1}}
% Shortcuts for symbols
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\providecommand{\ul}[1]{\ensuremath{\underline{#1}}} % Underline
\providecommand{\ol}[1]{\ensuremath{\overline{#1}}} % Overline
\providecommand{\bs}[1]{\ensuremath{\boldsymbol{#1}}} % Bold and italic in mathmode
\providecommand{\Ra}{\ensuremath{\Rightarrow}} % Rightarrow
\providecommand{\ra}{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}} % Rightarrow
\providecommand{\lra}{\ensuremath{\longrightarrow}} % Longrightarrow
\providecommand{\bdot}{\ensuremath{\boldsymbol \cdot}} % Thick dot for vector product
\providecommand{\svdots}{\ensuremath{\olddot :}} % Small vertical dots
\providecommand{\shdots}{\ensuremath{\!\cdot \!\cdot\!\cdot\!}} % Small horizontal dots
% Terms and definitions
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define BibTeX command
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
% ToDo Command
\textcolor{red}{\bf ToDo:\@ifundefined{@captype}{\marginpar{\color{red}\bf ToDo!}}{\relax} #1} %check for float environments
% Special term
% Related work
% Email
% References and Links
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% several ref macros
% break also on hyphens inside the \url command
\do\)\do\,\do\?\do\'\do+\do\=\do\#\do-} % \do- is new!
% ======================================================================
% Environments
% ======================================================================
% Tables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% table rules
\def\trule{\noalign{\vspace{1pt}\hrule\hrule\vspace{2pt}}} % top rule
\def\mrule{\noalign{\vspace{1pt}\hrule\vspace{2pt}}} % middle rule
\def\brule{\noalign{\vspace{2pt}\hrule\hrule\vspace{1pt}}} % bottom rule
% colored table rules
%\def\ctrule{\noalign{{\color{col_table}\hrule\hrule}\vspace{2pt}}} % colored top rule
%\def\cmrule{\noalign{\vspace{1pt}{\color{col_table}\hrule}\vspace{2pt}}} % colored middle rule
%\def\cbrule{\noalign{\vspace{2pt}{\color{col_table}\hrule\hrule}}} % colored bottom rule
\def\ctrule{\noalign{\vspace{1pt}\begingroup\color{col_table}\hrule\hrule\endgroup\vspace{2pt}}} % colored top rule
\def\cmrule{\noalign{\vspace{1pt}\begingroup\color{col_table}\hrule\endgroup\vspace{2pt}}} % colored middle rule
\def\cbrule{\noalign{\vspace{2pt}\begingroup\color{col_table}\hrule\hrule\endgroup\vspace{1pt}}} % colored bottom rule
% Figures
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Sourcecode listings
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%gobble=auto, % skip initial tabs %not supported yet
numbers=none, % switch numbers on: left
captionpos = t,
frame = tb,
rulecolor = \color{col_lst},
% Inline code listings
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
% Boxes for LaTeX4EI
% Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
% Contact:
% Version: 1.0
% License: TBD
% © 2011-2015, LaTeX4EI
\ProvidesPackage{latex4ei_boxes}[2015/02/06 Boxes for LaTeX4EI]
% Packages
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{mdframed} % package to make frames for exaples, definitions and theorems
\RequirePackage{latex4ei/latex4ei_colors} % color definitions
% ======================================================================
% Styles
% ======================================================================
% Basic box
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Outer Margins
startcode={\vspace{0.4em}}, % FIX: spacing bug on nested frames
endcode={\vspace{0.4em}}, % FIX: spacing bug on nested frames
skipabove=0mm, % FIX: spacing bug on nested frames
skipbelow=0mm, % FIX: spacing bug on nested frames
% inner margins
% frame
% Sectionbox: provides grey boxes for better readablitity of sections
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
startcode={\makeatother\if@nobreak\vspace{3cm}\null\vspace{-3cm}\fi\makeatletter}, % FIX: breaks 3cm after section
nobreak=true, % FIX: unwanted behavior with multicolumn
% Margin left, right, bottom and top of the boxes (-1 mm for higher width)
% Inner margin of the content of the box
% Colors of lines and background
% Emphbox: box with red line around for important definitions
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% basic style
% background color
% frame color
% Symbolbox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% basic style
% background color
% orange outer line
% Bluebox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% basic style
% show only top and bottom line
% background
% Line color
% Title
% Tablebox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% basic style
% show only top and bottom line
% inner margin
% Color
% Title
% line color
% ======================================================================
% Environments
% ======================================================================
% sectionbox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% bluebox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% emphbox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\newmdenv[style=emphbox, startinnercode={\centering}]{emphbox}
% symbolbox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% tablebox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% beginning
% beginning
% cookbox
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Ende von \input
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
% latex package with color scheme
% Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
% Contact:
% Version: 1.0
% License: TBD
% © 2011-2015, LaTeX4EI
\ProvidesPackage{latex4ei_colors}[2015/03/30 Colors for LaTeX4EI]
% Packages
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Own Macros
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% define command to provide colors
% ======================================================================
% Color Scheme
% ======================================================================
% TUM Color Palette
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Note: The following color definitions are copied
% from the official TUM Styleguide
% the tum logo color
\definecolor{col_tum_logo}{RGB}{0, 101, 189} % Pantone 300
% additional blue colors
\definecolor{tum_blue_dark2}{RGB}{0, 51, 89} % Pantone 540
\definecolor{tum_blue_dark}{RGB}{0, 82, 147} % Pantone 301
\definecolor{tum_blue}{RGB}{0, 115, 207} % Pantone 285
\definecolor{tum_blue_light}{RGB}{100, 160, 200} % Pantone 542
\definecolor{tum_blue_light2}{RGB}{152, 198, 234} % Pantone 283
% emphasize colors
\definecolor{tum_green}{RGB}{162, 173, 0} % Pantone 383
\definecolor{tum_orange}{RGB}{227, 114, 34} % Pantone 158
\definecolor{tum_elfenbein}{RGB}{218, 215, 203} % Pantone 7527
% gray colors
\definecolor{tum_gray_dark}{RGB}{88, 88, 90}
\definecolor{tum_gray}{RGB}{156, 157, 159}
\definecolor{tum_gray_light}{RGB}{217, 218, 219}
% advanced colors
\definecolor{tum_purple}{RGB}{105, 8, 90}
\definecolor{tum_purple_dark}{RGB}{15, 27, 95}
\definecolor{tum_blue_ocean}{RGB}{0, 119, 138}
\definecolor{tum_green_leaf}{RGB}{0, 124, 48}
\definecolor{tum_green_grass}{RGB}{103, 154, 029}
\definecolor{tum_yellow}{RGB}{255, 220, 0}
\definecolor{tum_yellow_dark}{RGB}{249, 186, 0}
\definecolor{tum_orange_dark}{RGB}{214, 76, 19}
\definecolor{tum_red}{RGB}{196, 7, 27}
\definecolor{tum_red_dark}{RGB}{156, 13, 22}
% Own colors (deprecated)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\definecolor{lightblue}{RGB}{220, 240, 247}
@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
% Report class from LaTeX4EI
% Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
% Contact:
% Version: 1.0
% License: TBD
% © 2011-2015, LaTeX4EI
% ======================================================================
% Options
% ======================================================================
% forward options to latex4ei package
% define baseclass
% set default options for base class
\PassOptionsToClass{a4paper, 11pt}{\baseclass}
% pass unknown options to base class
% process options
% load baseclass
% ======================================================================
% Packages
% ======================================================================
% pass options to packages
% load latex4ei packages
\RequirePackage{latex4ei/scientific} % scientific macros for LaTeX4EI
\RequirePackage{latex4ei/latex4ei} % base definitions for LaTeX4EI (privat)
% ======================================================================
% Color Scheme
% ======================================================================
% Set Color Scheme
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ======================================================================
% Fonts
% ======================================================================
% Font Settings
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% font
%\RequirePackage[osf]{mathpazo} % old style numbering
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl} % cmr, ptm, ppl, pnc, pbk
%\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{cmss} % cmss, phv pag
\shorthandoff{"} % don't convert "A to Ä!
% calculate linespacing based on font size
% char per line: 85
%\usepackage{microtype} % Verbesserung des Kernings, Achtung kompilezeit!
% ======================================================================
% Title
% ======================================================================
{\large \@author} \\[1em]
Registration no. \@matrikelnr \\
E-mail: \email{\@studentemail} \\[2em]
% ======================================================================
% Layout
% ======================================================================
% Page Layout
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\geometry{hmargin=2.5cm, top=3cm, bottom=3.2cm}
\sffamily\scriptsize %
\parindent=0pt \lineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt %
\tolerance=2000 \hyphenpenalty=300 \exhyphenpenalty=300%
\let\oldmarginpar\marginpar % save old command
% Footnotes
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\leftskip 0pt
\parindent 0pt
\everypar{\parindent 0pt}%
\leavevmode\llap{\@thefnmark\hskip\marginparsep}#1} % footnote number in margin
\hrule\@width \columnwidth
% Sections
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%\titleformat{ command }[ shape ]{ format }{ label }{ sep }{ before }[ after ]
%\titlespacing*{ command }{ left }{ beforesep }{ aftersep }[ right ]
\titleformat{\section}{\sf\bfseries\LARGE\color{col_section}}{\thesection.\ }{0em}{}
\titleformat{\subsection}{\sf\bfseries\Large\color{col_subsection}}{\thesubsection.\ }{0em}{}
\titleformat{\subsubsection}{\scshape\large\color{col_subsubsection}}{\thesubsubsection.\ }{0em}{}
% ======================================================================
% Lists & Equations
% ======================================================================
% ======================================================================
% Float Environments
% ======================================================================
% Idea: short caption (for LOF) in bold, rest of caption as normal text
% Figures
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{graphicx} % for different input formats
%\RequirePackage{media9} % for flash and 3D Objects
\RequirePackage[sf,SF]{subfigure} % Subfigures, sans-serif counters
% ======================================================================
% Macros
% ======================================================================
% Names
% Abbreviations
\newcommand{\ea}{\& al.\@\xspace}
\renewcommand{\iff}{if and only if\xspace}
\newcommand{\wrt}{with respect to\xspace}
\newcommand{\wlg}{without loss of generality\xspace}
\newcommand{\Wlg}{Without loss of generality\xspace}
% ======================================================================
% Others
% ======================================================================
% References and Links
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pdfborder=0 0 0,
% backref style
\renewcommand*{\backref}[1]{(cited on p. #1)}
% Sourcecode listings
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%gobble=auto, % skip initial tabs %not supported yet
numbers=none, % switch numbers on: left
captionpos = t,
frame = tb,
rulecolor = \color{col_lst},
% Inline code listings
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
% Layout, Macros for LaTeX4EI
% Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
% Contact:
% Version: 1.0
% License: CC-BY-NC-SA
% © 2011-2015, LaTeX4EI
\ProvidesClass{latex4ei_sheet}[2014/03/30 Cheet Sheet Template from LaTeX4EI]
% ======================================================================
% Options
% ======================================================================
% forward options to latex4ei package
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% make three column design possible
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% mobile version
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% defaults
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% define baseclass
% set default options for base class
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% forward unknown options to class
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% process options
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% load baseclass
% ======================================================================
% Packages
% ======================================================================
% load latex4ei packages
\RequirePackage{latex4ei/scientific} % scientific macros for LaTeX4EI
\RequirePackage{latex4ei/latex4ei} % base definitions for LaTeX4EI
\RequirePackage{latex4ei/latex4ei_boxes} % section boxes
% ======================================================================
% Layout
% ======================================================================
% Geometry
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\geometry{a4paper,landscape, left=6mm,right=6mm, top=6mm, bottom=5mm,includefoot, footskip=1.7em}
% Multicolumn
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{multicol} % for columns
% start multicolumn
% Header and Footer
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\fancyfoot[C]{\EngGer{from}{von} \theauthor\ -- Mail: \email{\theemail}}
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.0pt} %obere Linie ausblenden
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.1pt} %obere Linie ausblenden
\fancyfoot[R]{\EngGer{Last revised}{Stand}: \themydate \qquad \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}}
\fancyfoot[L]{Homepage: \url{\thewebsite} -- \EngGer{Please report mistakes \emph{immediately}}{Fehler bitte \emph{sofort} melden}.}
% Title
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Chapters and Sections
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%\titleformat{ command }[ shape ]{ format }{ label }{ sep }{ before-code }[ after-code ]
%\titlespacing*{ command }{ left }{ beforesep }{ aftersep }[ right ]
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\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\bfseries\color{col_subsection}}{\thesubsection .}{0.3em}{}
\titleformat{\subsubsection}{\bfseries\color{col_subsubsection}}{\thesubsubsection .}{0.2em}{}
\titleformat{\paragraph}{\bfseries\color{col_paragraph}}{\theparagraph .}{0.2em}{}
%\titlespacing{Überschriftart}{keine Ahnung}{Abstand oberhalb}{Abstand unterhalb}
% Paragraphs
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{parskip} % prevents intend on new paragraph
% Font Settings
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% set sans as default font family
% stretch linespace in arrays and tables
% ======================================================================
% Environments
% ======================================================================
% ======================================================================
% Other
% ======================================================================
% SI-Units Settings
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\AtBeginDocument{\sisetup{math-rm=\mathrm, text-rm=\rmfamily}}
% ======================================================================
% Color Scheme
% ======================================================================
% Color for listings
% ======================================================================
% Mobile Version
% ======================================================================
left=1em,right=1em, top=1em, bottom=1em,
noheadfoot, footskip=0em
% title
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
% latex package with useful macros for scientific documents
% Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
% Contact:
% Version: 1.0
% License: TBD
% © 2011-2015, LaTeX4EI
\ProvidesPackage{scientific}[2015/03/30 Scientific Macros for LaTeX4EI]
% ======================================================================
% Basic
% ======================================================================
% Identify Compiler
% load following packages if and only if compiler is pdflatex
% load packages, order matter
\RequirePackage{amsmath} % math symbols and \DeclareMathOperator
\RequirePackage{esint} % more integral symbols
%\RequirePackage{accents} % accents such as \vec and \ddot
% additional packages
\RequirePackage{amssymb} % additional math
% save old commands
\let\oldvec = \vec
\let\olddot = \dot
\let\diameter = \O
% formating indices
\newcommand{\ir}[1]{\sf #1} % index roman
% differential delta
\newcommand{\diff}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{\vphantom( d}}
% ======================================================================
% SI Units
% ======================================================================
\RequirePackage{siunitx} % SI package
\sisetup{per-mode=reciprocal} % use ^-1 instead of fractals
\sisetup{sticky-per=true} % every unit behind "per" is reciprocal
\newcommand{\unitof}[1]{\ensuremath{\left[#1\right]}} % unit of
% ======================================================================
% Vectors and Matrices
% ======================================================================
% Define \utilde: from package undertilde.sty
\setbox125=\hbox{$\widetilde{\vrule height 0pt depth 0pt width \wd124}$}%
\vtop{\copy124\copy125\vskip -\knuthian@fdfive}}}
% vectors and matrices
\newcommand{\ma}[1]{\ensuremath{\utilde{\boldsymbol {#1}}}} % Matrixsymbol
\newcommand{\mat}[1]{\ensuremath{\arraycolsep=0.5em \begin{bmatrix} #1 \end{bmatrix}}} % Matrix
\newcommand{\tma}[3]{\ensuremath{{}_{#1} \ma #2_#3 }} % Trafomatrix
%\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\ensuremath{\underline{\boldsymbol \begingroup#1\endgroup}}} % Vector bold and underlined
\newcommand{\vect}[1]{\ensuremath{\begin{pmatrix} #1 \end{pmatrix}}} % Vector
\newcommand{\mvect}[1]{\ensuremath{\left.\begin{matrix} #1 \end{matrix}\right]}}% Matrixvector
\newcommand{\tensor}[1]{\ensuremath{\underline{\underline{\boldsymbol #1}}}} % Tensor
\DeclareMathOperator{\diag}{diag} % diagonal matrix
% vector operations
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\|#1\right\|}} % Norm
\DeclareMathOperator{\Sp}{Sp} % Spur (german for trace \tr)
% ======================================================================
% Misc
% ======================================================================
% basic math
\providecommand{\hateq}{\ensuremath{\stackrel{\wedge}{=}}} % Entspricht
\providecommand{\floor}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\lfloor#1\right\rfloor}} % Abrunden
\providecommand{\ceil}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\lceil {#1} \right\rceil}} % Aufrunden
\providecommand{\sprod}[2]{\ensuremath{\left\langle #1, #2 \right\rangle }} % scalar product
\providecommand{\abs}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\vert#1\right\vert}} % absolute value)
\DeclareMathOperator{\const}{const.} % constant
\DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn} % signum
\DeclareMathOperator{\ld}{ld} % log_2
\DeclareMathOperator{\ggT}{ggT} % ggT (german for gcd)
% chemistry
\newcommand{\chem}[1]{\ensuremath{\displaystyle{\mathrm{#1}}}} % chemistry with \chem (simple)
\RequirePackage[version=3]{mhchem} % chemistry with \ce (advanced)
\newcommand{\rom}[1]{\ensuremath{\underline{\overline{\textsc{#1}}}}} % roman numbers
% ======================================================================
% Important Constants
% ======================================================================
% math
% physical
\providecommand{\kB}{\ensuremath{\mathrm{k}_{\text{B}}}} % Boltzman
\providecommand{\Rgas}{\ensuremath{\mathrm{R}}} % Allg. Gaskonstante
\providecommand{\NA}{\ensuremath{\mathrm{N}_{\text{A}}}} % Avogadro
% ======================================================================
% Complex and Hyper-complex Numbers
% ======================================================================
\newcommand{\cx}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} % complex number
\newcommand{\cxc}[1]{\ensuremath{\boldsymbol #1^*}} % Konjugiert complex number
\newcommand{\hx}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathfrak #1}} % hyper-complex number
\renewcommand{\i}{\ensuremath{\mathrm{i}}} % imaginary unit
\renewcommand{\j}{\ensuremath{\mathrm{j}}} % imaginary unit
\renewcommand{\k}{\ensuremath{\mathrm{k}}} % imaginary unit
% real and imaginary part
% ======================================================================
% Sets
% ======================================================================
% define sets
\newcommand{\iset}[2]{\ensuremath{\bigl\{ \bigl. #1 \, \bigr| \, #2 \bigr\}}} % intensional set
\newcommand{\eset}[1]{\ensuremath{\bigl\{#1\bigr\}}} % extensional set
% abbreviations for important sets
\DeclareMathOperator{\N}{\mathbb N} % Natürliche Zahlen
\DeclareMathOperator{\R}{\mathbb R} % Reele Zahlen
\DeclareMathOperator{\C}{\mathbb C} % Komplexe Zahlen
\DeclareMathOperator{\K}{\mathbb K} % Reele oder komplexe Zahlen
\def\B{\operatorname{\mathbb B}} % Binäre Zahlen 1,0
\def\O{\operatorname{\mathcal O}} % Landau
% set operations
\let\cupplus\uplus % Vereinigunsmenge bzw. OR
\DeclareMathOperator{\capdot}{\cap\hspace{-0.7\caplength}\text{\textperiodcentered}\hspace{0.4\caplength}} % Schnittmenge bzw. AND
% topology
\newcommand{\interior}[1]{\ensuremath{\overset{{}_\circ}{#1}}} % Das Innere
% ======================================================================
% Frequency Transformations (Fourier, Laplace, etc.)
% ======================================================================
% Define symbol for Transformations. Source: trfsigns.sty
\put(3,3){\circle{4}} % empty
\put(19,3){\circle*{4}} % filled
% Define Transformations
\DeclareMathOperator{\FT}{\overset{\scriptscriptstyle\mathcal{F}}{\ftsymbol}} % Fourier Transform
\DeclareMathOperator{\LT}{\overset{\scriptscriptstyle\mathcal{L}}{\ftsymbol}} % Laplace Transform
\DeclareMathOperator{\DFT}{\overset{\scriptscriptstyle\mathcal{DF}}{\ftsymbol}} % Discrete Fourier Transform
\DeclareMathOperator{\DTFT}{\overset{\scriptscriptstyle\mathcal{DTF}}{\ftsymbol}} % Discrete Time Fourier Transform
\DeclareMathOperator{\ZT}{\overset{\scriptscriptstyle\mathcal{Z}}{\ftsymbol}} % Z-Transform
% ======================================================================
% Differential Geometry
% ======================================================================
\DeclareMathOperator{\grad}{grad} % Gradient
\def\div{\operatorname{div}} % Divergence
\DeclareMathOperator{\rot}{rot} % rotation
\DeclareMathOperator{\lpo}{\Delta} % laplace operator
\DeclareMathOperator{\laplace}{\Delta} % laplace operator
\DeclareMathOperator{\waveop}{\square} % wave operator
% ======================================================================
% Signals
% ======================================================================
\DeclareMathOperator{\dirac}{\ensuremath{\delta}} % Dirac Distribution
\DeclareMathOperator{\heavi}{\ensuremath{\theta}} % Heaviside Step Function
\DeclareMathOperator{\sinc}{sinc} % Sinus Cardinalis
\DeclareMathOperator{\rect}{rect} % Rectangular
\DeclareMathOperator{\tri}{tri} % Triangular
\DeclareMathOperator{\erf}{erf} % Error Function
\DeclareMathOperator{\erfc}{erfc} % Error Function
\providecommand{\SNR}{\mathrm{SNR}} % Signal Noise Ratio
\providecommand{\ACF}{\ensuremath{\varphi}} % autocorrelation function
\providecommand{\PSD}{\ensuremath{\Phi}} % Power-Spectral-Density
% ======================================================================
% Stochastic
% ======================================================================
\renewcommand{\P}{\operatorname{\textsf{P}}} % Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaß
\DeclareMathOperator{\F}{\mathbb F} % Ereignisalgebra
\DeclareMathOperator{\X}{\textsf{\textit{X}}} % Zufallsvariable X
\DeclareMathOperator{\Y}{\textsf{\textit{Y}}} % Zufallsvariable Y
\DeclareMathOperator{\Z}{\textsf{\textit{Z}}} % Zufallsvariable Z
\DeclareMathOperator{\E}{\textsf{E}} % Erwartungswert
\newcommand{\ew}[1]{\textit{E} \left[ #1 \right]} % Erwartungswert (mit Parameter)
\DeclareMathOperator{\Var}{\textsf{Var}} % Varianz
\DeclareMathOperator{\Cov}{\textsf{Cov}} % Kovarianz
% ======================================================================
% Logic
% ======================================================================
\renewcommand{\implies}{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}} % →
\providecommand{\lequiv}{\ensuremath{\leftrightarrow}} % ↔
% Ende von \input
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Reference in New Issue